ESTIMA – Planning Poker for remote teams

To limit the effects of the corona virus, lots of people are currently working from their home. In order to do this as efficiently as possible, many work processes have to be digitized.

At BRICKMAKERS, we create software following the principles of agile development. Some time ago, we were looking for a way to do our SCRUM Planning not only remotely, but also with easy access and simple usability. That’s why we developed ESTIMA for ourselves. To help make working from home a little easier in the current situation, we are now making ESTIMA available free of charge and ads for iOS as well as Android.


But how exactly can ESTIMA help you with planning poker in a remote team?

ESTIMA- remote Tool

It’s an online version of planning poker, also known as Scrum poker, perfect for remote agile teams. ESTIMA shifts the analog estimation of user stories into the virtual world. You and your coworkers can join or host a session and estimate user stories with different story point values. Additional reference user stories can be viewed to help the team estimate. See the results in real-time – the average value as well as the different estimates – discuss and close the estimation to start the next round right away.

ESTIMA- agile work

Of course, you can also work with ESTIMA in a local team: Just use it like a digital scrum poker or in combination with traditional planning poker cards.


Sounds great?


Download ESTIMA now for free and simplify your remote sprint planning!

download ESTIMA for iOs
download ESTIMA for ANDROID



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